
Silks • Newbies

Welcome to the playful, butt-kicking world of aerial silks! ‘Silks’ consists of two thick strands of strong nylon reaching to the floor. It’s a mental apparatus involving knot tying around the body. For beginners, we work primarily in supported positions, including a knot that creates a ‘hammock’ for the hips and armpits, and another tied around the feet to allow standing skills. As we progress, we incrementally spend more time supported by the hands and shoulders with appropriate progressions.

Prerequisites: None

silks • Level 1-1.5

Develop silks vocabulary, technique, and endurance in order to begin connecting material and building up to sequences.  We’ll practice static positions, rotations, climbs and descents, in a supportive environment. New students - text before registering so we can make sure you are well positioned for a safe and positive experience. Thanks!

Prerequisites: all OR instructor permission.

  • Clean inversion from standing on the ground into a straddle position

  • Complete 3 consecutive climbs and descend safely and with control



Come build strength and refine your practice through independent work in a supportive space. Students may only work with material that is well within their ability to practice safely and without assistance. There is no teaching or learning new material at open studio. Any material learned outside of HVCA must be approved by an instructor, before being practiced.


  • instructor permission

Hammock • newbies & level 1

Hammock is a loop of nylon fabric suspended in the air at roughly navel height. Often loved by dancers, hammock offers fluid transitions, freedom of creative movement, and the opportunity to spin if desired. Hammock also offers a wider range of interesting tricks that can happen in more supported positions. This makes it sometimes more appealing and available to beginners or those looking for something a little less inherently demanding of the shoulders. However, hammock is by no means a beginner apparatus, and is also performed at professional levels.

Prerequisites: None

Lyra • Newbies &level 1

Lyra (or hoop trapeze) is a steel or aluminum hoop, usually mounted on a swivel so can spin if desired. Lyra can be an accessible apparatus to start out on in the world of aerial dance, as the structure of the hoop allows your body to be supported in a wide variety of shapes.  This class focuses on moving safely through beginner positions on the hoop, and transitioning between them.  Spinning and sequencing are optional and available to those who become ready.


  • 5 hammock classes OR

  • 5 newbies silks classes OR

  • instructor permission


Hammock Level 1 & 1.5

Develop intermediate vocabulary and explore longer sequences.  We’ll practice static positions, rotations, and descents, in a supportive environment. New students please refer to prerequisites and text before registering with any questions so we can make sure you are well positioned for a safe and positive experience. Thanks!


• A clean inversion from standing in the hammock without using feet OR

• A clean crochet climb to the top OR

• instructor permission